Can I Upload Files To Shopify?

Absolutely! Shopify makes it easy to upload your store files, such as product images, documents, videos, and more, for online sale.

To get started, log in to your Shopify admin, select “Products”, and then select “Files”.

On the “Files” page, you’ll be presented with a variety of file-uploading options, including Upload Files, Webcam, Record Audio, and Record Video.

Select the “Upload Files” option to start.

A new window will open where you’ll be presented with three options for uploading your files: Drag and Drop, My computer, and From a URL.

You can click “My computer” to browse your own files after selecting “Upload Files”.

If your files are stored online, click “From a URL” to enter the URL of the files.

Once you have located the files, select them using your shift, control, or option keys and click “Open”.

When you’ve successfully chosen your files, you will be presented with a confirmation window that lists your files uploaded and provides the option to modify their titles.

To finish, click “Add Files” and your files will be uploaded and ready for use in your store.

The files you upload to Shopify will be stored in the library, where they can be accessed later for reference and reuse.

This is useful when including the same files across multiple products within your store.

The library also allows you to organize the files by topic, making them easier to find later.

So, the answer is yes – you can easily upload files to your Shopify store and access them whenever you need them.

Good luck!.

Related Shopify tutorials:

The Takeaway

Shopify is an online store platform that makes it easy for businesses to create and manage an online storefront.

While the platform does not have a built-in file uploader, businesses can still upload files such as images, videos, PDFs, Word documents, audio, and more into their Shopify store.

This can be done through a third-party app or by modifying source code to create a custom uploader.

Having files available in the store can be useful for providing additional information and content to visitors, or to allow them to download digital items such as images, music, or software upon successful payment completion.

Using a reliable third-party app or modifying the source code to suit the store's individual needs will ensure that the uploaded files are secure and can be displayed on the store's pages as desired.

To summarize we've briefly covered:

  • Can I Upload Files To Shopify?

What next:

Additional Shopify Resources

With Shopify being one of the largest eCommerce platforms on the market means you’ll never be short of resources to learn how to build a profitable eCommerce business.

Kanteneo aims to be the best Shopify blog on the market, but you may require additional resources to help you on that journey. Below we’ve listed a top-selling Shopify book by Veronica Jeans to help you learn how to launch a profitable business.


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Terry Wingfield

A techy at heart, with over 10+ years of software engineering skills, and 5+ years experience in ecommerce, retention, and personalization.